Thursday 5 April 2018

Minutes - YRARC Board of Directors Meeting - 2018-02-20

Meeting held in the Magna Centre, Multipurpose Room 4. Called to Order at 19:15 by Chris VE3NRT. Board members attending: Chris VE3NRT (P), Steve VE3UT (VP), Charles VA3TTB (T), Barry VA3LLT, John VE3IPS, Mike VA3MCT, David VA3DCY (S). Absent: Geoff VA3GS, Rick VA3VO, Eric VE3EB. Others attending: None
  1. Approval of Agenda & declaration of conflicts of interest. Amendments: None. Conflicts of interest declared: None. MOTION: To adopt the agenda, Moved Barry VA3LLT, seconded Steve VE3UT. Carried.
  2. Minutes: MOTION: To adopt minutes of Board Meeting date 2018/01/15. Moved Steve VE3UT, seconded Barry VA3LLT. Carried.
  3. Actions arising from minutes: None
  4. Committee Reports:
    1. Treasurer’s Report: Charles VA3TTB
        Income Expenditures Balance
      • Opening Balance 2017/12/01 [is available to members from Secretary on request]
      • Memberships $25.00
      • Total income $25.00
      • Cheque $20.00
      • Total expenditures $20.00
      • Interim balance 2017/12/19[is available to members from Secretary on request]
      • MOTION: To adopt the treasurers report. Moved Charles VA3TTB, seconded Barry VA3LLT. Carried.
  5. Insurance: Charles VA3TTB. The Directors and Officers insurance is due on March 15. This policy does not automatically renew, and must be applied for each year. Again the need for this insurance was debated, since according to RAC and their insurance provider, D&O insurance is not necessary for amateur radio clubs, since we have no shareholders, no employees and not other other parties who would rely on the club for income or other funding. The topic of renewing the insurance was debated. MOTION: To renew the D&O insurance. Moved Barry VA3LLT, seconded Mike VA3MCT. Carried.
  6. Repeaters: Steve VE3UT. The power supply for VE3YRA is on hand, and ready to be installed. VE3YRK VHF is still off air due to the 4:1 SWR. A new antenna should be available in the spring. Chris VE3NRT noted that the D-Star operating system is no longer maintained.
  7. Winter Field Day: Steve VE3UT. Steve presented his WFD cost summary:
    Gas bought Steve VE3UT$90.00
    Gas bought David VA3DCY$23.40
    Name plate for Melted Coffee Pot award$8.00
    Kitchen expenses (drinks/snacks) Peter VE3PBT$54.20
    Total expenses$190.60
    Excess gas purchased Steve VE3UT$21.00
    Total money received$296.00
    Cash returned to treasurer$296.00 - $190.60$105.40
    • Winter Field Day cost: $190.60 - $21.00 = $169.60
  8. Web Site: Mike VA3MCT. The new web site is ready to go and we have access to thee products and services offered by Tech Soup, such as 'Google for non-profits'.
  9. ARES: Mike VA3MCT. There has been no recent activity, but we have been invited to the Barrie ARES Central Ontario meeting on April 7 and have been asked to bring our trailer. MOTION: To allow the trailer to leave York Region to go to Barrie for April 7. Moved Mike VA3MCT, seconded John VE3IPS. Carried. John VE3IPS will attend a GTA ARES meeting in February.
  10. Auditor: Charles VA3TTB. Charles VA3TTB met with John VA3JI and Doug VE3XV to discuss the auditor's requirements and to establish procedures and guidelines. Charles distributed a draft of the proposed procedures.

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